Awaken Your Senses – Observing Nature by Writing Wild

Are you longing to reconnect with the natural world and reignite a sense of wonder? Tina Welling’s groundbreaking book, Writing Wild, offers a powerful path. By combining mindful observation with freewriting, this guide unlocks a transformative way to experience the great outdoors. Let’s dive into the heart of these techniques and explore how you can start embracing nature’s magic right now.

The Art of Presence

At its core, Writing Wild invites you to be truly present in nature. The practice begins with quieting the constant inner chatter and tuning into your senses. Here’s what to do: Find a comfortable spot outdoors—it could be your backyard, a local park, or a hiking trail nestled in towering pines.

Settle into a relaxed position, feeling the earth beneath you. Breathe deeply, noticing the crisp air filling your lungs. Let your gaze wander, taking in the delicate veins of a fallen maple leaf, the rough patterns of bark on an ancient oak, the dappled sunlight dancing through the canopy above.

As thoughts arise, gently acknowledge them and return your attention to the present moment—the sights, sounds, and scents enveloping you. This mindful presence lays the foundation for a deeper connection with your surroundings.

Freewriting in the Wild

With your senses awakened, it’s time to let the words flow. Welling’s core technique is freewriting—the act of writing continuously without pause or editing. Grab a notebook and pen (or a digital device), and simply start writing about what you observe.

Describe the vibrant crimson of a cardinal’s feathers, the dry crunch of fallen twigs underfoot, the earthy scent of damp soil after a rain shower. Let your words capture the ever-changing tapestry of nature, without judgment or constraint.

To ignite your freewriting, Welling suggests prompts like “I notice…” or “It reminds me of…” These simple phrases can unlock a torrent of insights and observations. For example, “I notice the intricate lattice of a spider’s web, glistening with morning dew” or “The rustling of leaves in the breeze reminds me of the ocean’s gentle waves.”

Embracing the Unexpected

As you immerse yourself in freewriting, you may find yourself venturing into unexpected territories. Perhaps a memory resurfaces, triggered by the scent of wild honeysuckle or the flutter of a hummingbird’s wings. Or maybe you start pondering deeper questions about the interconnectedness of all life.

Embrace these tangents and digressions—they are part of the magic of Writing Wild, allowing you to uncover hidden layers of yourself and your relationship with the natural world.

For instance, you might start by describing the graceful arc of a swan’s neck, and before you know it, you’re exploring themes of beauty, vulnerability, and the delicate balance of ecosystems. Let your freewriting guide you on this organic journey of self-discovery and insight.

Reflection and Integration

After your freewriting session, take a few moments to reflect on the experience. Reread your words, savoring the insights and observations you’ve captured. What struck you the most? What connections or realizations emerged?

Consider keeping a nature journal, compiling your freewriting sessions and tracking your growth over time. You might even want to share your reflections with others, sparking meaningful discussions about our role in the natural world.

To deepen your practice, Welling offers additional exercises, such as creating found poetry from your freewriting or exploring various writing forms like haiku or prose poetry. Here’s how it might look: “Sunlight filters / Through emerald canopy / Life’s breath whispers.”

A Lifelong Journey

Observing nature through the lens of Writing Wild is not a one-time experience; it’s a lifelong journey of exploration and connection. As you continue this practice, you’ll find yourself becoming more attuned to the rhythms and nuances of the natural world around you.

Carry your notebook with you wherever you go, ready to capture the fleeting moments of beauty that often go unnoticed—whether you’re waiting at a bus stop, sitting in a city park during your lunch break, or hiking through a remote pine forest, the opportunity is always present.

Over time, this practice will deepen your appreciation for the natural world and cultivate a sense of gratitude, wonder, and presence in your daily life.

Embracing the Wild Within

As you embark on this journey with Writing Wild, remember that the true wild wonder exists not only in the external landscapes but also within yourself. By quieting the constant inner voice and opening yourself to the present moment, you’ll discover untamed corners of your own being.

Embrace the unexpected twists and turns of your freewriting, for they are gateways to self-discovery and personal growth. Allow yourself to be awed by the intricate tapestry of life, both within and without.

Writing Wild is an invitation to awaken your senses, unleash your creativity, and forge a deeper connection with the natural world and your authentic self. So grab your notebook, step outside, and let the wild wonder unfold.

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Awaken Your Senses – Observing Nature by Writing Wild

by Leigh time to read: 3 min