Just enough happiness

View of lake between two pine trees

I don’t think I could have enjoyed anything more this morning than my bath with open windows (it was just starting to get hot outside but there was a breeze), my glass of wine on the bath tray, candles, and a long, hot soak in the bathtub after a morning hike. At that moment of appreciation, a light shower of rain began and there was just enough happiness. Not too much, just enough.

I’m sure now that, yes, things can always get better, but at that particular moment I was completely full of gratefulness and anything else added to this bliss would have been over the top and likely not appreciated as much as it should be. There was “just enough happiness” and that was enough for me.

It leaves me to wonder, are we looking for too much perfection in our lives? Can we find happiness with one small perfect moment when the rest of our lives are uncontrolled and chaotic? Can we be satisfied looking at small perfections while overlooking the larger dark themes in life? Does one moment of perfection negate hours of frustration and chaos?

The answer, of course, is yes. But appreciating that is something I have yet to master. My mind dwells on the imperfect moments of the past or the imagined negativity of an unknown future. I appreciate the small moments during their time but spend most of my day in worry mode. I want to learn to bring more of the small moments of “just enough happiness” to the forefront. I want to dwell on happiness without being sappy, of course.

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Just enough happiness

by Leigh time to read: 1 min